Brighton Kemptown MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle has announced he has tested positive for Covid-19, caused by coronavirus.
In a statement posted on social media today, he said he had received the result after being tested on Thursday, a day after he first experienced symptoms a week ago.
He called for more rapid and widespread testing for the virus.
He said: “I’ve just been informed by my Doctor that I have tested positive to COVID-19.
“I felt symptoms last Wednesday, immediately self-isolated and called 111. I had a home visit and was tested on Thursday, this was the last day of community testing.
“I received the result this afternoon after 6 days of waiting.
“If we are serious about the W.H.O advice of “Test, Test, Test” then we need to do better than this.
“My understanding is that a manufacturing plant in Northern Ireland is exporting 15-minute COVID tests around the world because our NHS is not ordering them. We have University labs who are willing to assist with testing but aren’t yet.
“Our priority must be testing our healthcare workers, who are currently needing to self-isolate for 14 days when someone in their house shows a symptom, taking them away from their life-saving work.
“This is the greatest test our NHS has ever faced, an NHS that was already under strain. I have every confidence that we have the skills and resources to beat this virus, but only if we take radical steps to reorganise and reprioritise our system.
“Please continue to follow the Government’s official advice and please, now more than ever, practice social distancing because it will save lives.”
Government advice can be found here.
sorry Lloyd has been tested positive = hope he gets well soon =
All the best to him. Meanwhile one shudders to think what the readers’ comments will be over at the Argus.
I have now looked at the Argus comments: sick stuff, one reader saying he is glad that the MP has caught the virus, for example. That paper is the dregs. I keep advising people not to write letters to it anymore. I do not do so. The country needs a local press but it does not need the Argus.
You consider the Argus the dregs yet you go over and read the comments and even reproduce the one you consider ‘offensive’ and which they’ve now deleted. It makes one wonder who indeed wrote the comment?
I boggle at what you are implying. Do spell it out.
My point is that such comments should not be printed in the first place. It is selling the pass to say that they are deleted after readers have raised the alert.
The vital point is that those awful readers’ comments make local newspapers a laughing stock (a journalistic joke) – and no longer a place to which people take news stories. When I hear something, such as the Tesco food-bank one, I mention it to Brighton and Hove News rather than the Argus. That is my perogative. You can do what you will.
‘sick stuff, one reader saying he is glad that the MP has caught the virus’
is that clearly spelt out enough for you?