More venues and schools have begun to close across Brighton as the city hunkers down for what could be weeks or months of social distancing and self isolating.
Shelves at stores across Brighton and Hove continue to be stripped bare, with crowds of shoppers queueing before superstores opened this morning.
Brighton Festival announced this morning it was cancelling for the first time in its 53-year history.
Most major Brighton and Hove venues have now announced they are closing, alongside all the city’s libraries.
Some schools have been forced to close or partially close because of staff self-isolating following tightened Government guidelines issued on Monday.
Government advice is now to self-isolate 14 days if you or a member of your household has either a new, continuous cough or a fever.
Over-70s with underlying conditions are being contacted by the NHS and advised to do this for 12 weeks from Monday.
Everyone else is being asked to avoid all social contact and work from home if possible.
See below for live updates throughout the day
Coronavirus 18 March 2020 – Curated tweets by BrightonNewsJo
T0 all u panic buyers.u know who u r.u should all hang yr heads in shame.stupid,ignorant and selfish