Tributes have been paid to a Hove hospice’s beloved cat who has passed away after reaching a grand old age.
Misty the Martlets cat brought comfort to patients and families – especially children – since she chose the hospice as her home 15 years ago.
She passed away from heart disease on Monday last week – after a decade and a half of bringing the comfort and normality of home to families at a difficult time.
A spokeswoman for the hospice in Wayfield Avenue, Hove said: “Since her arrival, her presence brought so much warmth, comfort, peace, fun and love to staff, volunteers, patients and their families.
“This small cat became a huge part of Martlets and has various claims to fame including featuring on the number 49 bus.
“Everyone at Martlets looked forward to her sporadic visits to the offices but most would agree that Misty’s best work was on the inpatient unit, especially with children visiting, who needed some warmth and comfort at a confusing time.”
Comments left in Misty’s Book, a comments book left in the inpatient unit, include:
“Georgette found the cat a great comfort. Her sister said she was very nervous to come in but relaxed when she saw Misty as she had to leave her cat at home.”
“The granddaughter of the man in Room 2 was comforted by Misty. She sat and cuddled her when her grandfather died. Misty was very good and sat on her lap while the granddaughter stroked her.”
Misty was an amazing cat.
I held her up for some moments beside the Green Party’s Jack McAngus during the last couple of hours of his life, when he was changing colour a rainy Saturday morning three years ago. One cannot tell whether he knew she was there (he had been in a coma for a few days), but she herself knew that she was comforting patients and their friends – and an undoubted help to the wonderful staff.
There are some – many – animals whom one can never forget.
Farewell, Misty.