No matter how each of us voted in the referendum back in 2016, today a new day is dawning as Britain leaves the European Union.
It is vital that we move forward together and create a “global Britain” as a force for good, unfettered by the frustrating protectionism imposed by Brussels.
The Prime Minister set out his vision of a global Britain yesterday and MPs debated what it might mean in the House of Commons.
But it’s worth remembering that Boris Johnson has signalled more than once this week that it’s about much more than trade – even though trade is crucial.
At Question Time a few days ago he was also asked about immigration, technology and the environment – all areas where we now have more freedom to decide our own future.
As we marked Holocaust Memorial Day he reminded MPs that Britain has welcomed 41,000 unaccompanied children since 2010, continuing a long and proud tradition of sheltering refugees. Brighton and Hove has a proud record of its own as a “city of sanctuary”.
The PM showed his independence with the decision to allow Chinese telecoms business Huawei to play a part in the work on our 5G mobile phone network. Early work on 5G is taking place locally with the government supporting a key testbed in Brighton.
And even though some worried that the Huawei decision would harm the prospect of a trade deal with the US, yesterday’s visit by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo allayed those concerns.
The PM also spoke about our world-beating investment in tackling climate change even as we continue to lead the way on overseas aid.
The Conservatives care far more about conserving our environment than we are sometimes given credit for – and schemes like the Rampion wind farm bear testimony to that.
Brexit will allow us to forge ahead in so many ways, with control over our law and policy, our borders, our finances and our trade relations.
Global Britain offers a chance to bring the country together and show that we remain on good terms with our friends in Europe while having the freedom to reach out more effectively beyond the confines of the EU.
This is a new beginning for our open, outward-looking and confident country as we stride forward on the world stage.
Councillor Steve Bell is the leader of the Conservatives on Brighton and Hove City Council.
I hope the Conservative Party and the government care about protecting the human rights of marginalised communities with whom we will do business in the future.