Glastonbury 2019 is certainly turning into a real scorcher and I’m not just referring to the weather. Our photographers Sara and John are based at Worthy Farm, Pilton for the whole duration of the festival. Just imagine them running around the massive site in this heat whilst lugging around heavy photographic equipment, a sure fire way to lose weight!
Their terrific photos are coming in fast and furious at the moment and I’m trying to balance the workload whilst endeavouring to catch a few Glasto acts on TV / Red Button and iPlayer. It’s a balancing act and there’s not enough hours in the day. But mustn’t grumble as the quality of the incoming shots are truly outstanding! They are certainly on the ball and the team are clearly enjoying themselves as they take in the atmosphere of the festival and the musical acts.

Being an avid IDLES fan, I have made a beeline for the photos taken by our guys during the Bristol 5-pieces electrifying performance on Friday 28th June and so we would love to share them with you. So simply click the following link and you will end up at our dedicated Music Facebook Page – CLICK HERE.
Visit and ‘LIKE’ our ‘What’s On – from Brighton and Hove News’ Facebook page HERE.