The “big screen” returns to Brighton Marina today (Monday 17 June) with four weeks of live sports events, family favourite films and even a special broadcast of a live opera.

Sophie Chandler, managing director of Brighton’s Big Screen Events, said: “We are pleased to be able to offer the Big Screen for free once again.
“As always, we will concentrate on popular live sporting events and our usual partnership with the Royal Opera House as well as a few classic movies.
“The Village Square is the perfect setting, with boats in the background, a soft lawn, deckchairs and beanbags to sit back, relax and watch the shows.”
Steve Rhodes, managing director of LED Screenhire, who own the Big Screen, said: “We are extremely excited about returning to Brighton Marina for the third year running. For an event such as this, the Marina ticks all the boxes.”
The sports events being screened this year include live coverage from the FIFA World Cup in France and tennis from Wimbledon.

At weekends, families will be able to enjoy favourites such as Moana, the Greatest Showman, Wonder Woman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Jungle Book Live, Avatar, Jaws 2 and Mamma Mia – Here We Go Again.
And on the evening of Tuesday 2 July, the Marina will host a live screening of the opera Carmen from the Royal Opera House.
Described as one of the most popular operas of all time, Carmen is “a drama of dangerous passions, packed with flamenco dancers, bullfighters and a gorilla”.

The Big Screen will be in the Village Square from today (Monday 17 June) to Sunday 14 July.
For what’s on when, click here.