Fringe Review: Space Cadette
By Laurie Black
16 May 2019
Bosco Theatre
Laurie Black has turned green! The beautiful, two-tone, black and white cabaret vixen has added a new colour to her palette. It is an alien green skin that she uses as a disguise to hitch a ride to the moon. This show is Laurie’s adventure into space to escape our crumbling planet. She is leaving behind ecological disaster and joining David Bowie and the aliens on a space voyage. Along the way she shares some of her space songs and a few cheeky covers.
Laurie is a captivating stage presence and she weaves her fun little fantasy together with great charm and wit. The story of course is a vehicle for the performance of some of her space compositions. Or is it the other way round? Are the songs a vehicle for a story about going to the moon and making some jokes and righting some political wrongs along the way? Who knows? The whole thing is a cohesive whole of music, lyrics, jokes, satire, political commentary, crazy whimsy, sex appeal and fantastic costume and make up.
Laurie plays a piano and a synth and the funniest little drum machine kicking out some dirty industrial rhythms and at one point an imaginary ukulele. Can’t beat a bit of air ukelele can you?
This was a great new show to follow her Bad Luck Cabaret. Laurie is a formidable talent on the cabaret scene now and deserves to go on to great things. As well as writing and performing her own music and shows she is a great host and compère and this Wednesday 22 May she returns to the Spiegletent with her other new show Hypernova. A cabaret with an end of the world/beginning of the new world theme. It will be apocolipstick!