A Brighton nursery “requires improvement”, according to a report by the official independent watchdog Ofsted.
The rating is the second worst out of four although in December after the previous inspection Ofsted said that Bright Start Nursery was inadequate – the worst grade.
Bright Start, which is based at the Old Slipper Baths, in Barrack Yard, just off North Road, Brighton, was told that it needs to “develop further the arrangements to closely monitor children’s progress over time, so that any gaps in learning or teaching are promptly identified and addressed”.
The nursery, which is run by Brighton and Hove City Council, was also told to “improve the planning and organisation of the daily routine to help ensure children are motivated and engaged and do not spend long periods waiting”.
Ofsted said that Bright Start should “improve arrangements for staff to share appropriate information about day-to-day incidents and events relating to children’s wellbeing”.
And it should “review the sleeping arrangements for younger children to ensure they have access to a relaxing and restful environment, particularly while other children are playing”.
In the report published on Monday (8 April) Ofsted said: “Managers and staff have only recently begun to closely monitor the progress of children over time.
“They do not yet consistently identify gaps in learning and any differences between the progress of groups of children as quickly as possible to help target teaching and ensure all children make the best possible progress.
“Some parts of the daily routine, such as lunchtime and some group activities, are not effectively planned to meet all children’s needs.
“At times, staff do not consistently share all necessary information with each other to help ensure children’s needs are attended to as effectively as possible.
“Younger children do not always have a safe restful space to sleep as their cots are positioned in areas where other children continue to play.
“It has the following strengths – managers have taken prompt action to address the actions raised at the last inspection.
“They have made some positive changes to help improve the provision. In particular, managers and staff have made good use of training, support and advice to improve how they manage children’s behaviour.
“Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities well. They provide sensitive, well-planned care and work closely with other agencies and professionals where required.
“Staff have successfully improved how they work with parents. For instance, they now keep parents informed through weekly newsletters that include ideas for home and they provide them with more information about their child’s development.”

Ofsted added: “Bright Start Nursery registered in 1993 and is run by Brighton and Hove City Council.
“The nursery is open Monday to Friday, from 8am until 6pm, for 51 weeks of the year.
“The nursery employs 22 staff. Of these, 21 staff hold relevant early years qualifications at level 2 and above, including three early years teachers.
“The nursery receives funding to provide free early education for children aged two, three and four years.”
At the previous inspection there were 17 staff to cater for the 55 places. Not all children attend full time and, when inspected in December, 90 children were on the roll.
By the latest inspection in March the number of children attending the nursery had dropped to 71.