A local lottery is being promised by Brighton and Hove Conservatives in the party’s local election manifesto.
The lottery will “support the development of new and existing sports facilities and develop a cultural offering second to none”, party leader Tony Janio said.
The aim would be for the proceeds to go on schemes that would not easily attract support from the public purse.
Councillor Janio also promised to harness “the coming digital revolution” in a pledge echoing former Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson’s reference to Britain’s future being forged in the white heat of the technological revolution.
The Tory manifesto, which is expected to be published in the coming days, promises “an increased rollout of electric charging points” as well as “innovative park and ride schemes”.
Reaching agreement on a site for a park and ride scheme has proved beyond Brighton and Hove’s politicians – and even the principle of a scheme has been hard to agree.
Opponents fear that it will encourage more visitors to drive – even if they take a bus from the edge of Brighton and Hove.
Councillor Janio, a keen cyclist, also said that his party would “promote activities such as walking and cycling”.
In the manifesto’s introduction, Councillor Janio is expected to say: “You will choose a new council on Thursday 2 May.
“The election will be about many things but above all about reviving the spirit of liberty our city thrives upon.
“Built on the talent of its residents, our city is well-placed to benefit from the coming digital revolution. Our city of opportunities, driven by undreamt levels of knowledge and know-how, will transform our lives via innovative technological solutions.
“Yes – our city can be world-leading – but only with the right leadership.
“As a former research scientist who has worked in the high-tech industry of flight simulation for almost 30 years, I lead a Conservative group of councillors and candidates that has the experience and determination to ensure Brighton and Hove can prosper from this digital age.
“Imagine a society where technology improves how we move around the city, house our residents, educate our children and provide well-paid jobs – leading to better health and wellbeing for everyone.

“Brighton and Hove, although one of the most creative cities in the world, has been stifled by Green and Labour councils. They have lacked ambition and delivered little.
“The current Labour administration, now with Momentum controlling the local Labour Party, has neglected our city and lost the right to govern.
“A newly elected team of talented Conservative councillors will reinvent the council, enabling the city to thrive during these challenging times.
“Life isn’t all about work. We also need to relax, with sport and culture enriching our lives.
“Our new Brighton and Hove Lottery will support the development of new and existing sports facilities and develop a cultural offering second to none.
“This will also help fund investment in our parks and streets, improvements to our public realm will renew pride across the city and raise our quality of life to new heights.
“The Conservative strategy is ambitious and it is only through determined leadership that we will transform the city, ensuring its long-term success.
“Our vision, described in this manifesto, will enable our city to become the most dynamic in the word.
“We believe in Brighton and Hove. Believe with us. We will deliver this vision. Vote Conservative on 2 May and turn our beliefs into reality.”
Living in the City these days is a continual lottery.
So now not only are people expected to pay Council Tax and exhorbitant Parking fees but to buy lottery tickets to fund’improvements’
I hope any extra Parking revenue could help fund a Park and Ride at Falmer.
lol. Encourage gambling and I’m sure it’ll make a few quid for their friends who will run it as is the usual Tory way. Still, at least the local Tories finally came up with an idea even if it is a rubbish one. Makes a change from… nope, there it is, the childish lie that Momentum controls Labour. hahaha. Tragic.
Labour are out door knocking today and if the candidate who called at my door is anything to go by, Momentum have definitely won control of Labour.
Momentum – for the many; unless you are one of the many Brexiteers that is! What a load of nonsense!