We, Sussex Gourmet Ltd, hereby give notice that an application was made to Brighton and Hove City Council on the 18 February 2019 for the grant of a new Premises Licence to operate a premises at
Emerald, Waterfront, Brighton Marina Village, Brighton, BN2 5WA, from which the following licensable activities are proposed:
1. Retail of alcohol for consumption on the premises between the hours of 12:00 to 00:00 Sunday to Thursday and 12:00 to 02:00 Friday and Saturday.
2. The full application may be inspected, free of charge, at the offices of the council at Brighton and Hove City Council, Licensing Team, Second Floor, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JP, or online at www.brighton-hove.gov.uk.
3. Any interested party or responsible authority may make representations to the Licensing Section within 28 consecutive days of the day of application was made as detailed above. The last day for representations being the 18 March 2019.
It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is currently £5,000 (level 5).