A historic dairy looks likely to be turned into homes, offices and shops.
The site, which includes locally listed buildings, is owned by the developer blamed for allowing a historic bath house on Hove seafront, to fall into irreversible disrepair.
Sirus Taghan, who made several failed bids to knock down Medina House on Hove seafront while it rotted and was hit by arsonists, wants to redevelop the former Dairy Crest site in The Droveway.
Plans submitted by his company Red Bull Properties Ltd retain the site’s old farm buildings, including the main barn, which date from 1840.
The scheme includes retail, commercial and leisure space plus 14 homes, including four “affordable” properties, two with shared ownership and two for rent.
The plans are recommended for approval when they go before Brighton and Hove City Council’s Planning Committee next Wednesday (9 January).
However, councillors will also hear about neighbours’ concerns over increased traffic and lack of parking.
Neighbours sent 19 letters against the scheme with varying objections including opposing the commercial element, parking and vehicle movements as well as building vehicle access into Mallory Road.
Zubeida Dasgupta-Clark and Stuart Clark, of Mallory Road, which backs onto the site, are concerned about new access onto their quiet cul-de-sac.
In a letter of objection they say children play in the street as only five cars are kept at the end of the close.
Their letter said: “Two more cars (plus visitors cars) will be a more than 40 per cent increase in traffic in a dead end narrow close.
“It would change the nature of the close, pose problems in safety for children playing out, plus increase noise and disturbance.”

Fellow Mallory Road residents Hanko and Mary van Beinum said they believe there is a restriction on the site preventing access on to their road.
In their letter they said: “The former diary had a condition put upon it that there would be no access from Mallory Road.
“We expect the new owners to adhere to that condition too, otherwise there would be an increase in noise and disturbance.”
Both couples are also concerned about proposed Juliet balconies on the new homes, as this would result in homes in Mallory Road being overlooked.
Another neighbour said in their objection: “The assessment asserts that the café/retail element would generate no need for customer parking – this is ludicrous!
“Even if you were to accept the highly unlikely idea that no additional vehicle movement were to be generated the fact that people would remain longer in the area would exacerbate the parking situation in The Droveway and at the Tesco Express.”
Hove Park ward Conservative Councillor Vanessa Brown raised the issue of parking as workers at Legal and General park in the area.
She said: “Retail units will attract customers from a wider area who will require parking.
“There is minimal car parking on site and The Droveway is a road that is already particularly congested due to all day parking by workers at Cityparks, the Tesco store opposite the Dairy site and a the school a little further northwards.
“There is no public transport in The Droveway and the only bus that serves Shirley Drive is the 21A which is both infrequent and unreliable.
“The Droveway is not only badly congested but also dangerous, particularly when lorries are delivering to the Tesco store and children are arriving or departing from school.”
Dairy Crest, opposite Tesco Express in The Droveway, operated as a dairy until 2016. The main barn is the described in a report as the “most significant element” which with the other historic farm buildings will be retained as they have “group value”.
However, more modern additions would be demolished to make way for the new buildings.
If the development goes ahead, officers recommended the developer be required to make a contribution of £59,166 towards education; £51,254 towards open space and recreation and £35,343 towards sustainable transport.
The Planning Committee meets is due to meet at Hove Town Hall next Wednesday (9 January). The meeting, which starts at 2pm, is open to the public.
more affordable housing – yawn – why not use it to build some smart homes – hove is premium area – not a benefits estate – build affordable flats in areas that need it where people earn less – eg portslade, patcham etc
Exactly, well said
Are you saying that portslade and patcham areas haven’t got nice houses,!!
Well said Rupert. Portslade and patcham are cheap for a reason! They may have okay houses but are grim. Mile oak too