Schools across Brighton and Hove have reported improved GCSE results as changes continue to the way that the exams are graded.
Brighton and Hove City Council said: “Overall GCSE results in schools across Brighton and Hove have improved this year, according to a key new performance measure introduced by the government.
“‘Attainment 8’ shows average attainment at individual schools across eight subjects.
“Last year the city’s overall Attainment 8 score was 46.8. The figure for this year is 48.0.
“Most GCSEs are now being graded from 9 to 1, with 9 being the top grade.
“Government guidance advises that a grade 4 is considered a ‘standard’ pass.
“This new system was introduced last year for maths and English but this year nearly 20 other subjects are also being graded in this way.
“The exams themselves are also seen by many as being tougher than before.”
In maths 73 per cent of students at schools in Brighton and Hove achieved grades 9 to 4 – the top grades equivalent to the old grade C and above. Last year the figure was 72 per cent.
In English the figure was 78 per cent, down from 79 per cent last year.
The combined figure for maths and English was 68 per cent – the same as a year ago.
The council said: “The results for this year are provisional and will be subject to formal verification later in the year.”

Councillor Dan Chapman, who chairs council’s Children, Young People and Skills Committee, said: “The new Attainment 8 system is widely recognised as an effective way of measuring overall school performance across their wider curriculum.
“This year-on-year improvement is above all due to the sheer hard work and dedication of our students.
“It also comes on the back of improved results city-wide at both A-level and primary level.
“I would like to congratulate all of our young people, as well as the secondary schools, teachers and support staff who have supported them.
“I would say to any students who did not get the results they wished for to remain positive.
“As well as A and AS levels there is a fantastic range of vocational and other opportunities in our city, including apprenticeships, to match any skills you wish to develop.
“Congratulations to the council’s schools team and the city’s Education Partnership for their continued collaboration to raise standards.
“Today’s results show that this approach is working well.”
The full list of subjects with new 9 to 1 grades being introduced this year is
- Ancient languages (classical Greek, Latin)
- Art and design
- Biology, chemistry, physics
- Combined science (= double award)
- Citizenship studies
- Computer science
- Dance, drama and music
- Food preparation and nutrition
- Geography and history
- Modern foreign languages (French, German, Spanish)
- Physical education
- Religious studies
Further information on the GCSE grading system can be found on the Department for Education website:
For more information on apprenticeships, visit
For apprenticeships at the council, visit