Work has started on a £1.2million project to upgrade Brighton’s electricity supplies.
UK Power Networks, which runs the local electricity network, said that it had started “a five-month project to further increase the reliability of electricity supplies for 21,000 homes and businesses”.

The company is working at the Church Street substation – on the site of an old power station – by the corner of Spring Gardens.
It said: “Two major pieces of equipment are being replaced. The equipment, known as transformers, play a key role in keeping the lights on.”
Gary O’Brien, project manager at UK Power Networks, said: “We are investing in new equipment at the substation to make sure electricity supplies in the city remain reliable into the future.
“Investments like this are taking place throughout the south east this year to maintain high levels of network reliability and a good service for local homes and businesses.
“This equipment has served Brighton well over many years but it is now time for renewal so we are delighted to be carrying out these improvements which will serve the city for many years to come.”
Most of the work will take place behind the scenes, inside the electricity substation, the company said.
One of the most noticeable aspects of the project will be when the new 44-tonne transformers are delivered to the substation in the heart of the city, in July and October, then craned into position.
UK Power Networks added: “There will be no impact on local electricity supplies and the project team will work hard to keep any effect on the local neighbourhood to a minimum.
“Once the existing two transformers have been switched off they will be dismantled, then recycled and the new equipment will go live.
“Electricity enters the electricity substation at 33,000 volts and is stepped down by the transformers to 11,000 volts to be delivered to local substations which serve individual homes.
“UK Power Networks delivers electricity supplies to 18 million people across the south east, London and east of England through a vast network of cables, power lines and substations.
“UK Power Networks is investing more than £500 million in its electricity networks in 2018-19 and more than £4.5 billion over the eight years to 2023 to maintain safe and reliable power supplies for homes and businesses, both now and in the future.”