The Greens have picked the three candidates who will fight what is possibly the party’s safest ward in Brighton and Hove at the local elections next year.

Two of the three sitting members of Brighton and Hove City Council in St Peter’s and North Laine ward will be joined on the ballot paper by a former councillor.
The party said: “The Brighton and Hove Green Party has selected its candidates in the St Peter’s and North Laine ward for the May 2019 council elections.
“Councillor Pete West and Councillor Lizzie Deane have been selected to stand, along with party chair Sue Shanks, who has also previously served on the council.”
Sue Shanks, 63, who previously won a seat in the safe Conservative ward of Withdean, said: “I’m delighted and honoured to have been selected for St Peter’s and North Laine ward.
“Congratulations to my fellow Green Party candidates and thanks to Councillor Louisa Greenbaum for her dedicated service to the ward and the city as she will not be standing in 2019 due to work and family commitments.
“We hope to see her back on the council in the future.”
Councillor Pete West, 53, who was elected 22 years ago in 1996 as the first Green Councillor in Brighton and Hove, said: “I am delighted to have been selected once again as the Green Party candidate for St Peter’s and North Laine.
“Along with my fellow Green candidates, we bring both consistency and credibility from our long collective experience as councillors serving the people of Brighton and Hove.
“In the May 2019 elections, we will be united in standing up for a city that truly represents all its citizens, and we are bursting with ideas for a bigger, bolder, greener vision for Brighton and Hove.”

Councillor Greenbaum, 48, an events and conference organiser and mother of two, won her seat in 2015. She sits on the council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Audit and Standards Committee.
She said: “I am very sad not to be standing again but the reality is that it is almost impossible to combine work and family with being a councillor, and to do all of them well, particularly if you have a huge ward with a lot of challenges.”
Green candidates for other wards in the city will be announced shortly.
The party that claims to care passionately about the environment, but has written in their manifesto that they advocate ‘no borders’ and mass-immigration…
I have more respect for a bottle of cheap, stinking cooking-oil from Lidl than I have for the Green Party.
Shanks Pony a way of moving from one constituency to another.I think Councillors should only be allowed to stand in the Ward they live.
As much as I think the Greens are ‘barking’ at least it will keep out 3 ‘Momentum’ councillors & that has to be a Good Thing
so much for democracy – loony green councillors elected by students who pay no council tax, are not from the area and will most probably have left university and the area by the time the next election comes around – they bring nothing to the areas they live apart from making it a non communal and soul-less atmospehere, noise polution and disgusting ripped open bin bags and other filth that they’ve dumped.