Circus-Sission. The Show that Made the Cut. 18th, 19th, 25th, 26th May and 1st, 2nd June 2018. Brighton Spiegeltent-Bosco.
A great smack in the face of circus diversity! Hosted by Ozzie’s Head First acrobats, in all their sexuality-fluid glory, with their own Game of Thrones routines to boot! Talent and hilarity combined to brilliant effect.
Circus-Sission is a selection box of acts from the Speigeltent and the wider Brighton Fringe. Each night is a different pick ‘n’ mix of delightful confectionary. Pretty much something for everyone. Super spangly drag, with acid wit, an acrobat who manoeuvres around a chair like nobody I’ve ever seen do before, super super funny clowning in a Shakespeare-stylee, plus the usual hula, with a sprinkling of cyr wheel and nudity.
The audience are involved in the comedy and rip-taking, so be warned; but who knows what you’ll get as the cast switch each night. Yes – it’s a bit weird and perhaps shockingly gender-bending for some, but I found it refreshing, and we wouldn’t expect anything less in our city, would we? This show fits right in!