Brighton’s bus lanes are to be monitored by 24 new enforcement cameras as part of a £480,000 scheme by Brighton and Hove City Council.
The council said: “Two dozen new bus lane cameras are being installed in the city to support bus services and other road users by helping to keep the lanes clear.
“The council won £267,000 of funding from Coast to Capital (the local enterprise partnership) for the scheme and is providing match funding of £212,250.
“Revenue from penalty charge notices will cover ongoing maintenance and support.”
Cameras will be installed along the following routes
• Carden Avenue to Western Road
• Oxford Street and London Road
• Eastern Road and Edward Street
• Vogue Gyratory to Stanmer Park
• A259 Ovingdean and Rottingdean to East Sussex County Council boundary in Saltdean
Councillor Gill Mitchell, who chairs the council’s Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, said: “Our bus services are extremely popular and that’s why it’s important that we do our bit to ensure dedicated bus lanes are clear for them to use.
“This in turn improves the journey times and reliability of services for passengers.
“Bus lanes also provide extra space for cyclists, motorcyclists, emergency vehicles and taxis, so bus lane enforcement supports them too.”
The council added: “A contract for the bus lane cameras was recently awarded to the company Spur Information Solutions Ltd (Conduent) which is currently installing the new cameras and replacing three existing cameras.
“While work is carried out, short stretches of bus lane are being closed for brief periods.
“Any work at busy junctions such as the Clock Tower is taking place outside of peak times.
“The new camera operation is planned to begin in April but to enable drivers to get used to the new enforcement sites, any vehicle seen driving down the bus lane for the first two weeks of operation will be issued with a warning notice by post.
“After the two-week warning period, penalty charge notices will be issued.”
Good. It’s about time bus passengers were given the help they deserve to beat traffic jams.
They are empty all the time and the traffic lane congested works well don’t it lol great for the environment!!!
Bus lanes also provide extra space for cyclists, motorcyclists, emergency vehicles and taxis, so bus lane enforcement supports them too.” what a joke. I know some one who drives a blue light emergency vehivle and on more than one occasion B & H have issed tickets for emergency vehicles travelling on blue lights.
Can quad bikes still use the bus lanes ?
Carden Avenue doesn’t join Western Road: do they mean the entirety of the A23 from Carden Avenue roundabout to the Steine, plus North Street?
Tickets are indeed *automatically* issued for emergency services vehicles since the cameras can’t tell if they’re on blues & twos (i.e. actually on a emergency). They then tell the council & the ticket is cancelled.
Waste of more money yet again , that money could help the homeless !!!
And will the councill be handing out penalty charge noices for all the taxis and busses that break the law by coming accross the solid white line and entering the non bus lane,if not this is a form of discrimination to the private motorists and the council should be taken to court for grounds of discrimination…EQUALITY TS A LEGAL REQUIREMENT
I just got a £60fine for driving home at 02.06am in the morning along western road which I thought was ok as the company drives it’s msus down here at night F..k… C….they rip you of I hate this fu..ed up country now
I ride a motorcycle and have just been fined for driving in the bus lane at A259 Ovingdean and Rottingdean. What is that all about when it says motorcycles?