A Brighton primary school is “good”, according to an official report, after previously being rated as “requires improvement”.
Ofsted praised Coombe Road Primary School, in Milner Road, Brighton, and said: “This is a good school. Leaders and governors have arrested and reversed a significant decline in the quality of pupils’ learning and behaviour since the previous inspection.
“In the words of one member of staff, ‘The school has come a long way.’
“Since their appointment, the head teacher and deputy head teacher have won the respect of parents, staff and pupils alike.
“They have raised expectations, re-established pupils’ good behaviour and improved staff morale.
“Substantial improvements in the quality of teaching, learning and assessment during the past year and a half mean that pupils are making much better progress than previously.
“As a result, standards in English and mathematics are rising in all year groups.
“However, teaching does not yet deepen and extend pupils’ understanding sufficiently, particularly for the most able pupils.”
The Ofsted report is included in an update to councillors which was published today (Friday 8 September).
Ofsted also said: “Parents recognise substantial improvements in the school since the previous inspection.
“One parent expressed the views of many when she commented, ‘Whatever they are doing is working for all pupils, so they need to keep doing it!’
“Pupils are polite, friendly and welcoming. They are proud of their school and behave well.
“Clear expectations, effective safeguarding procedures and strong relationships ensure that pupils are safe and secure.
“Effective leadership, high expectations and good-quality teaching in the early years mean that children settle very well into school life and make strong progress.
“However, activities in the early years outdoor area do not yet support boys’ learning fully enough.
“Middle leaders’ roles in supporting improvements in teaching and learning are at an early stage of development.
“They do not yet make a sufficiently strong contribution to the school’s improvement.”
The report was first published in June and is referenced in the agenda for the next meeting of the Brighton and Hove City Council Children, Young People and Skills Committee.
The committee is due to meet at Hove Town Hall at 4pm on Monday 18 September. The meeting is open to the public.