Eight new council homes are a step closer to being built in Brighton despite a row over rents and construction costs.
A terrace of six four-bedroom houses and another building containing two two-bedroom flats are planned for a scrap of land in Lynchet Close, Hollingdean, by Brighton and Hove City Council.
The £2.5 million project is part of the New Homes for Neighbourhoods scheme which involves building houses and flats on small hard-to-develop sites owned by the council.
The Lynchet Close scheme was approved by the council’s Housing and New Homes Committee – but only after a three-way wrangle between the minority Labour administration and the opposition Conservatives and Greens.
The Tories were concerned about the high financial cost of the eight new homes and how affordable the scheme would be for the council and its future tenants.
The Greens have been pushing for the council to ensure rents are as genuinely affordable as possible for tenants who are often among the poorest people in the area.
Labour was concerned that if the council didn’t stick to its rent policy, those who were paying more might sue the council because they were being treated unfairly.
The Lynchet Close scheme was discussed at a meeting at Hove Town Hall over a fortnight ago. The discussion ended in deadlock and the meeting was reconvened this week at Brighton Town Hall.
After another heated debate the Tories and Greens voted together for the new homes to be let for a “living rent”.
Campaigners say that the living rent should be 37.5 per cent of the living wage level to make housing truly affordable by linking rent to income rather than market rent levels.
They say that market rents have risen along with house prices for many years and are out of reach or hard to afford for a growing number of people.
A leading living rent campaigner, Councillor David Gibson, the Greens’ lead member for housing on the council, voted for the new scheme to have a living rent.
He said: “I totally support the principle and idea that one must develop clear policies (to set rent) based on actual income, not market value – a market which in Brighton and London and some parts of the country is just too expensive.”
Former council leader Mary Mears, the Tories’ housing spokesman, was also worried about how affordable the proposed rents were – and how affordable the scheme was for the council.
Councillor Mears said: “In our view, the properties are not affordable. The build costs are not acceptable and we could run out of money anyway because of these costs.
“We are building for people on benefits, not low income. There needs to be a serious mindset change about housing.”
A council official said that the unit costs were higher than for many schemes by private developers for a number of reasons.
The homes were also designed to be low cost to run and low cost to maintain as the council would have to foot repair bills.
So the specification was of a higher standard than many private schemes where the developer had no obligation after selling to a buyer.
Labour defended the recommended – higher – rent levels. Councillor Clare Moonan said: “There is a trade-off to be made between building the highest number of council houses and keeping the lowest price.”
The issue with setting a living rent, she said, was that it would be different from the rates charged to other council tenants.
She said: “It would be unfair and would be an ongoing issue for us.”
Councillor Anne Meadows, who chairs the committee, said that setting a living rent would mean that the scheme might not pay for itself.
The second option would have offered the six family homes at 65 per cent of market rent levels.
So the family homes would – at current levels – be rented to tenants for £339.36 or £286.33 a week and the flats for £192.48.
The £2.5 million scheme would have made an estimated surplus of £1.36 million or £884,000 over 40 years, with funding coming from “right to buy” proceeds and borrowing.
The living rent option supported by the Greens and Tories sets rents at 37.5 per cent of the living wage level, currently £219.23 for the houses and £164.42 for the flats. The surplus is projected to be £193,000 over 40 years.
The committee also voted to commission a report on rent-setting by six votes to four – the Greens and Tories combining again to defeat Labour.
Councillor Meadows said that she wanted to put on record how disappointed she was that the Lynchet Close vote meant “there would be an extremely unfair difference” between council rents in the city.
“Tenants do talk to each other,” she said, “and that might open us up to a challenge.”
2.5m for 8 houses. It’s a start I guess but which council or government officials will be housed in them. I’m guessing it won’t be given to the homeless or residence of Brighton who have been on waiting list for God knows how many years
What a load of bollocks , how many developments have been approved and then cancelled because of affordable housing , three projects are under threat because of this , get round a table and sort it out . There is plenty of profit to be earned by all , the prices in Brighton and hove are massive , the council want to much affordable housing and the builders want to much profit .
8? 8000 would not solve the housing crIsis in this city . Anne meadows has been a councillor involved in housing since 2003 and the current lead for housing in BHCC she’s a failure and should be ashamed .
No wonder there are so many homeless in Brighton…it deems to be all about money as usual!
Excellent that rents are set at sane levels. I don’t know how the article works out that lha(i.e. Housing benefit) rates are 80% of market levels!! A good win for the Greens! Well done. But celebrating a mere 8 council housing is very sad- we need so many more! Mears isn’t seeing the issue by saying we are building homes for people on benefits- unless rents are low enough people won’t be able to afford to work and pay the rent, and thus will have to claim partial housing benefit anyway (which is paid from council monies) so at either level the council makes the same return, but at the lower level tenants can build a life on!
If the government is not forthcoming in allowing councils to borrow more to build council housing, they are sitting on a time bomb. Looking forward to the next elections when we can get the Tories out of government and the Greens back in to Brighton council.
Anyone who criticises a councillor should stand for the council themselves. They’don’t maybe think twice after they’d tried this difficult and thankless task.
£2.5 million… for 4 houses and 2 flats. Council pays so far over the odds for everything our money is leeched away. Criminal
MegA, that’s £2.5m for six (not 4) 4-bedroom houses, and two 2-bedroom flats. By my calculation, a 4-bed would be at least 450K on the open market, and a 2-bed about 250K, giving a total of £3.2 million. It doesn’t sound expensive to me, especially since they’d be using a hard-to-develop piece of land, and adding to the total housing stock.
lol i don’t know why they worry about tenants suing them as none of the tenants have any money hence can’t afford solicitors !! so would NEVER be able to sue anyone its just a completely empty threat and if they don’t like it go and live somewhere else they don’t HAVE to live in Brighton plenty of other cheaper areas they can go to