A yellow severe weather warning for rain has been issued for Sunday afternoon through to Monday morning.
There are early indications that this could result in some disruption, with sudden flooding of roads, transport routes, homes and businesses possible.
The Met’s chief forecaster said: “Torrential rain and thunderstorms could give as much as 30mm, possibly 40mm in an hour in places.
“It is not certain where flooding impacts may occur, but it is likely to be in a few places rather than across the whole warning area.
“Lightning strikes are also possible, which bring a chance of power cuts.”
Yes this sort of weather normally follows a really hot spell.
i’ll believe it.
Gerald Wiley will blame it on cycle paths.
Thanks Christopher- I’d blame it on all the hot air generated by the Green Party councillors past and present. I see Phelim is actually claiming the glory for keeping library services in the Carnegie – although his statement repeats the lie that Hove Library was going to close – I thought you had to take the blame for this waste of public money to save an antiquated building and leading to the likely closure of Hove Museum?