St James’s Street was brought to a standstill this evening as police dealt with a violent attacker.
A man was arrested but, after a struggle broke out in the police car, officers used pepper spray and more cars were called to the scene.
A police spokeswoman said: “Police were called at approximately 9pm to reports of a male assaulting a female in New Steine Mews.
“Officers located the pair and a man was arrested on suspicion of assault.
“During the transportation of the male a struggle ensued in the police vehicle and the male was sprayed using incapacitant and brought under control.
“An officer required medical treatment following this which was swiftly provided by colleagues and South East Coast Ambulance.
“A knife was also located near to where the suspect was.
“A male is now in custody and the officer is safe and well.
“Should anyone have any information regarding this incident or have witnesses it, please call 101 quoting referencd 1564 of 25 May 2017.”
One witness said: “I saw a guy get put in a police car then loads of coppers running to him in a rush and then they dragged him out and carried him out all kicking and screaming like a proper criminal!
“They then put him in a bigger van.”
Jo, where you drinking on St Jimmy’s street tonight?
I hope the lady is ok and not hurt at all..
F.O.A the people who put this up need to learn to do a spell check …. Police rished to the New Steine …. rished …. come on….
They probably were in a rish to get it published