An area of central Brighton dubbed the city’s last free car park is to get a residents parking scheme after residents voted yes.
Most of Hanover and roads to the north of the bottom of Elm Grove, from Wellington Street down, will now be covered by a heavy touch Monday to Sunday scheme running from 9am to 8pm, subject to councillors approving the plans next Tuesday.
Despite voting no, the ‘top triangle’ roads in Hanover and the Pankhurst estate will be included in a light touch scheme, which also includes roads to the north of the top of Elm Grove from Bonchurch Road up, running Monday to Sunday from 11am to noon and 6pm – 7pm.
Craven Vale will get its own heavy touch scheme along the same lines as Hanover’s.
In Hanover and Elm Grove, six out of ten of the 36% of households who responded were in favour of the scheme, with 52.3% plumping for a full scheme.
This was despite the number of spaces being halved in many narrow Hanover roads, after the fire service said it needed a carriageway width of 3.1metres to ensure it can get its engines down the streets.
In Craven Vale, 65.8% of the 28% of households responding wanted a parking scheme, with 59.2% asking for a full scheme.
Committee chair Cllr Gill Mitchell said: “Hanover and Elm Grove is suffering artificially high demand for parking because it is surrounded by other residents’ parking zones. A parking scheme would give these streets back to the residents and make the area much more pleasant.”
The report, which goes before Brighton and Hove City Council’s environment and transport committee next Tuesday, said: “It is recognised that some roads voted against the proposals or a different type of parking scheme but to ensure a parking scheme has a geographically viable boundary and due to concerns regarding vehicle displacement it is proposed to proceed with the whole area.
“Officers are recommending a Monday to Sunday scheme as there are concerns that if this was a Monday to Friday scheme it could lead to significant displacement at weekends as other schemes nearby including the proposal South of Elm Grove and for the streets in the North West Section are seven days.
“Council officers are also mindful of previous experience from a number of other parking schemes where areas not considered for a resident parking scheme have then come forward with serious concerns about vehicle displacement and the need for a parking scheme consultation.
“There is also the consideration that 59.9% of respondents across the whole area were in favour of a Residents’ Parking Scheme.”
The full breakdown of consultation responses street by street can be found here.
If approved at committee it is expected the new measures will be implemented in the autumn.
Meanwhile an initial consultation in the West Hove Area has shown 67 per cent of residents in favour of a scheme. Of those, over three quarters wanted a light touch scheme – restricting non-residents’ parking for two short periods a day. A second report to the committee recommends pressing ahead with a detailed consultation on how the scheme would be laid out, street-by-street. This is expected to take place from April 28 for five weeks.
Although just over half of residents favoured a Monday to Friday scheme for West Hove, council officers are recommending all-week restrictions. This would avoid displacement at weekends from seven-day schemes surrounding the area. Residents can express a view on this during the next consultation.
I will protest this! I will fight this! I have recently bought over 100,000 tonnes of heavy machinery that I will be leaving at intervals on the streets of Hanover whenever a Car Parking space becomes free, with a big sign saying “Stand away from the Heavy Machinery” placed on the heavy machinery. The council cannot rule us like this! It is clear that they are party of a secretive new world order elite and it is only armed with the truth and my heavy machinery that we the real people of Hanover will get our roads back. Spring 2017 is the dawn of the Heavy machinery protest.
why don’t you just buy a parking permit instead of your heavy machinery… machinery
The council are not ruling me. After living in my street for 24 years I was one who rejected the controls 6 years ago but this time pleaded with the council to review the situation and bring in the controlled scheme. I don’t want to live in a carpark anymore!!. We are lucky enough to live in in an popular and densely populated area , in a popular and densely populated city in a popular and densely populated part of a popular and densely populated country! There will be no perfect solutions and always compromises.
Squeezing a bit more money out of us, fantastic.
That will be great for local tradesmen and women!
I suppose more money in the councils coffers for traiders permits and parking tickets
Look at the state of Manor hill because of the permit zones your faced with oncoming traffic regularly
Hooray!!. We will no longer be living in a car park. Yipeee. Bring it on. 🙂
It’s another exspense. If it stops all the travellers vans, caravans, students trying to park four cars outside one terraced house then I guess I’ll have to cough up to enforce this. Plus it stops all the wankers working for American Express using our roads like a ‘free car park’!
Such a thick comment, People working for american express have just as much right as you do to park there
‘your roads’ hahahaha
We all pay road tax so we can park where we like..
No we don’t. No-one pays Road Tax as it doesn’t exist.
But we all pay tax which is used to maintain roads whether you own a car or not so again, we can park where we’re allowed.
I’m a student and I’ll buy a permit. So not sure it will be that simple…
Can you point out where it says the roads in the area you live belong to you personally? Thanks.
Local traders are just about to go out of business. Do you think Hanover residents can keep these businesses running on their own. Good luck.
An utterly clueless comment. Do you think charging people to park will stop them going into the local shop? If they have to drive to the local shop in Hanover, there’s a good chance they don’t live there.
Think a bit first before posting, yeah…?
Read his post. He is asking whether when non residents will no longer frequent Hanover businesses, Hanover residents alone will sustain them.
Pleased that I don’t live there any more. What a mess.
shame the council didn’t listen about Stanmer park road
The free car park no more, where will we park now? ah yes the £3 an hour car park. The residents of Hanover will also be restricted, there will not be as much space as there is now, if you are a household with two cars then think again.
Just buy a parking permit eh ? £ 120 a year to park outside your home for the rest of your life 1
and £1 to 3 per hour wherever you park elsewhere in brighton [ permit doesn’t even give you freedom to park throughout bright and hove ] , for the rest of your life! in 10 years you’ve spent about £2000 to park your car in residential streets in your city – on top of rad tax mmm.
…and why is there parking problems, because parking restrictions in nearby/next areas make cars move to the next available area then more parking restrictions enforced and it goes on and on until the council make us pay to have a car in every available space in the city form 9am tiL 8pm Almost EVERY MOMENT 7 DAYS A WEEK – WELL DONE. who started voting for this madness in the first place ? , it caused a chain reaction.
Get a bike Stu!
I don’t think you understand the situation at all. It appears your universe extends to no more than 18″ around you, and everything else doesn’t matter.
Well said it will not stop, this is a simple displacement of cars outwards cashing in on every new overcrowded are. Meanwhile, most of the residents parking bays in town seem to be empty during the day while cars circle looking for a pay and display spot, like sharks around a rotting carcas. Then they get charged a small fortune and told they have to move their car every 2 hours. Its madness!!!
this is disgraceful, ignoring the wishes of most who wanted light touch and totally ignoring the large areas who voted NO
I told people if you give the council the excuse the will implement their will and they have taken this residents proposal and done what will benefit them most, 7 days a week and permits everywhere
I will protest
this is again brighton blXXdy council going over the top. I have no trouble parking in my street. Just another way for them to ad too the £18m they already make on parking charges .
brring on the heavy stuff boys .
the only positive is that cobden road will become one way. At least not all of the area will be the unnecessarily restrictive 9-8 everyday, just the bottom
The genius proposal for Carlyle St and the streets uphill from here is that we will lose half of all parking space.
The council wants to impose a CPZ in these streets against the will of the majority of residents but will not allow pavement parking to continue as it has for decades without problems. It has produced no evidence to justify its stance and other councils allow pavement parking in CPZs.
Where are we supposed to park when we and several adjacent streets lose 50% of their parking?
We cannot let this madness happen.
It will set neighbour against neighbour and – not to get too Daily Mail about it – instantly devalue the houses in these streets when people realise the deal is that you pay £130 a year for the privilege of fighting your neighbours for parking space on only one side of the street.
I have lived in Hanover for 23 Years…So happy with this result…It was a long time coming,Finally it’s happening! 🙂
Yay for you! You’ve moved your little problem on to someone else who will now suffer much more than you!
I’ve lived in Hanover for over 20yrs and have been increasing frustrated at the parking problems.
I’m looking forward to pavement free parking and to seeing fewer cars in the area.
Bring it on ?