A donation from the police in Brighton and Hove is helping to fund a “No cold calling” zone for Woodingdean Neighbourhood Watch.
Sussex Police handed over £350 to Woodingdean Neighbourhood Watch. The voluntary group’s vice-chairman Stephen Roke said: “We were delighted to receive a cheque for £350 from the Police Property Act Fund and another cheque for £400 from Chief Inspector Chris Veale, of Brighton and Hove police.
“This money will enable the Woodingdean Neighbourhood Watch team to continue engaging with the local village residents, give more information out and pass on knowledge of fraud and crime so that we can all lead a more secure existence.
“With the help of the police, Woodingdean Neighbourhood Watch has recently started a ‘No Cold Calling Zone’ in the village, supported by the trading standards authority.
“New signs have gone up, door stickers handed out and though early days the response has been encouraging.
“The team also has access to various CCTV systems in the village and its own Facebook page so any rogue traders’ or suspects’ pictures can be quickly sent to all street co-ordinators.”
The donation comes from the Police Property Act Fund, made up of money received by the police from property confiscated by order of the courts and then sold.
Where is this “Village”?