Hyde Housing has come up with a new scheme for the Sackville Hotel site on Hove seafront.
The housing association hopes to build up to 64 new homes in a nine-storey building in a scheme which is significantly smaller than its initial 17-storey design for 107 flats.
Most of the one and two-bedroom flats will be for sale on the open market but the housing charity said that it would include a number of affordable homes.
Its pledge came after Crest Nicholson asked Brighton and Hove City Council for permission to leave out the affordable homes planned for a similar scheme in Davigdor Road, Hove.
And it followed the publication of government statistics showing the number of affordable homes being built had fallen to its lowest level for 24 years despite ever-greater need.
In Brighton and Hove work started on just 70 affordable homes in 2015-16, according to the figures, and just 70 were completed.
Hyde said that it would showcase its plans for 189 Kingsway at a public exhibition at the View Bar and Diner on Hove seafront on Saturday 26 November from 11.30am to 4.30pm.
It said that the public exhibition followed six months of research and work from HGP Architects who had “fully immersed themselves into the local community”.
This included hosting a series of design workshops where local residents were invited to give their input to ensure the new building “had a bit of Brighton and Hove about it”.
HGP Architects invited residents, local businesses and neighbours and looked specifically at creating a building that was sympathetic to the local environment.
The current site has been a derelict eyesore since 2006, Hyde said, but it recognised opposition to its initial plans for the site.
The housing charity said: “After gaining feedback from the local community from a previous proposal, Hyde pressed the reset button and started the design process again.
“Hyde heard residents’ concerns about the height and density of the previous design and this proposal is for a significantly lower building.
“Hyde turned to award-winning architects HGP to design the new scheme. HGP Architects have worked with the Hyde Group for 10 years and have extensive experience in designing waterfront and residential buildings in the south of England.
“The next steps, following the public exhibition for the development of 189 Kingsway, is to present the application to Brighton and Hove City Council, where further consultation will take place.”
Tom Shaw, development director for the Hyde Group in the south, said “We’re delighted to be presenting these plans to the local community.
“We’ve taken on board the ideas presented to us by local residents. Six months of work from our architects has really paid off. This was a neighbourly effort and the proposed building looks fantastic.”
Guy Goodman, director of HGP Architects, said: “Context is all important. It’s not just about how people live with a building, it’s how that building lives in its environment.
“We wanted a scheme that enhanced the local area.”