The Seven Dials roundabout will be completely closed overnight from 7.30pm this evening as workmen try to get the roadworks finished earlier than predicted.

Works to repair crumbing kerbstones and resurface the roundabout were due to finish on Friday 7 October. But now the aim is to complete them by next Tuesday morning (4 October).
This will entail the roundabout being entirely closed overnight on Monday 3 October into Tuesday 4 October. All entrances and exits to the roundabout will be shut from 7.30pm on Monday night until an estimated 6am Tuesday morning.
As part of its commitment to keeping locals informed, nearby addresses were sent a letter detailing the schedule of repair works on Tuesday 6 September.
More letters are going to nearby premises today (Thursday 29 September) warning of the night closures.
It is intended that the suppliers will foot the repair bill, not the council.
Councillor Saoirse Horan, deputy chair of the council’s Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, said: “Thanks to everyone for bearing with us. We apologise again for the disruption.
“We never look forward to setting up roadworks but there was no avoiding this if we were to stop the roundabout disintegrating.”
The project was essential because a low kerb encircling the roundabout had started to break up, the council said.
This was happening because the kerb stood above the level of the road surface and was being frequently struck by vehicles. Recent works involved lowering the kerb flush with the tarmac and resurfacing the whole roundabout.
The junction was radically altered in 2013 to try to make it less dangerous while improving the environment and streetscape of the Seven Dials area.
The previous chaotic mini-roundabout was replaced with a longer, oval traffic island. This sought to integrate traffic more gradually instead of vehicles converging on a central point.