A man found floating face down in the water by Brighton Marina has sadly died.

The alarm was sounded after a body was spotted by a member of the public shortly before 10am this morning.
Despite their best efforts, the emergency services were unable to revive the man, described as in his 50s or 60s. No foul play is suspected.
A police spokesman said: “A man’s body has been recovered from the water at Ovingdean, near Brighton, this morning (Friday 20 May).
“A member of the public reported the incident, close to the marina, at about 9.50am.
“The body was recovered by coastguards and police were called to the scene to assist.
“The death is not being treated as suspicious and there are no further details at this stage.”
Brighton RNLI said: “The volunteer lifeboat crew of Brighton RNLI lifeboat were tasked to launch by UK Coastguard today (Friday 20 May) just after 10am amid reports that a person could be seen face down just east of Brighton Marina.
“Emergency services were contacted by a member of the public who reported that they could see a person face down in the water near Ovingdean.
“Brighton RNLI made best speed to position of the casualty which was aided by paramedics who were already on scene. The coastguard helicopter from Lydd was also making way to the area at this time.
“Brighton lifeboat spotted the individual 10m from the shore and the casualty was brought on to Brighton lifeboat. The crew carried out CPR on the casualty while the lifeboat headed back to Brighton Marina where RNLI shore crew were ready to take over.
“South East Coast Ambulance soon arrived and the casualty was handed over into their care.
“Units involved with the search: Brighton RNLI, Coastguard Helicopter, Newhaven Coastguard, Shoreham Coastguard, South East Coast Ambulance Service and Sussex Police.”
A spokesman for South East Coast Ambulance Service said: “Ambulance crews attended the scene but sadly attempts to resuscitate the man were unsuccessful.”