Dozens of people went along to a packed meeting to discuss setting up a friends group for Hove Lagoon.
The Hove Lagoon Summit was hosted by the Big Beach Café – and owner Norman Cook, also known as Fatboy Slim, was among those in the audience.
Wish Ward councillor Robert Nemeth chaired the meeting which heard from representatives of various groups that use the Lagoon and from other “friends of” groups.
“It is clear that many care deeply about our area’s flagship seafront attraction.
“One thing that is noticeable is that other parks in our area have enterprising ‘friends of’ groups which gives each of them a much stronger voice when it comes to fighting for our area.
“Hove Lagoon loses out in that regard.
“We are therefore organising a public meeting with all key groups represented including residents, dog walkers, parents, the Big Beach Café, Lagoon Watersports, the Model Yacht Club, KAWHRA (Kingsway and a West Hove Resudents’ Association) and Hove Seafront Residents’ Association. This list isn’t exhaustive.
“We simply hope to make a few introductions and talk through some of the issues.”
Toni Manuel, the Brighton and Hove City Council seafront officer, Tim Hague, from Shoreham Port, and Tom Shaw, from Hyde Housing, spoke at the meeting.
The evening ended with some of those present volunteering to form the Friends of Hove Lagoon.
What the HELL WAS hyde Housing doing there’!
It talked about the former PortZed and the Sackville Tower. A very good meeting, brisk and with brio.