School bosses are making alternative plans for a temporary classroom at Westdene Primary School after a wave of opposition against plans to house pupils in the neighbouring library.
The proposal to reduce the provision at Westdene to accommodate a classroom is part of a range of changes to the library service, whose budget is being slashed.
A consultation on the plans showed that more people across the city agreed than disagreed with the plans – but among users of Westdene Library themselves, two in three were against the plans.
A council spokeswoman said: “We have a planning application submitted for a demountable classroom for three years. This is actually a back-up plan that we need to have permission in place for should our preferred option not be possible.
“The preferred option is to create a classroom in part of the space currently occupied by Westdene Library. However this is dependent upon the outcome of the Library Service’s consultation.
“The consultation includes a proposal to reduce the size of the library space, but increase access hours through the Libraries Extra programme.
“This is not a permanent expansion. The space is needed to allow the space for a bulge class currently in Year Three at Westdene to progress from infant to junior level this September.
“Either option would be needed for three academic years to allow progression through Years Four, Five and Six. Once the bulge year has progressed past Year Six, and left for secondary school, the space will no longer be needed.
“Should we have to go with the demountable classroom option, the building would be on hire and removed after three years.
“Should our preferred option be available it is likely that, after three years, the space could be utilised for community use, possibly under the management of the school.”