The Brighton i360 has teamed up with British Airways in a five-year deal.
The partnership has echoes of the deal that marked the opening of the London Eye designed by the same architects Marks Barfield.
The British Airways i360 is due to open next summer with the airline expected to join the marketing effort.
Lynne Embleton, British Airways’ director of strategy and managing director for Gatwick, said: “Our pilots enjoy spectacular views of the Sussex coastline as they fly in and out of Gatwick and now Brighton visitors and residents will also be able to from this fantastic new landmark.”
She added that BA already had many customers and staff living in the Brighton and she looked forward to flying in more visitors to the area through Gatwick.
She said that BA would be doing everything possible to tell its customers about the i360 and bring more visitors to Brighton.
Brighton i360 chief executive Eleanor Harris said: “We are delighted to have such a prestigious British and global brand sponsoring our groundbreaking attraction.
“British Airways and the i360 share a similar market regionally in the south east and a comparable international reach.
“We also share a proud history of engineering and design excellence.”
Brighton and Hove City Council leader Warren Morgan said: “I’ve always advocated private investment in the i360 so I welcome the sponsorship from British Airways who are a major employer in the city region.
“Their involvement will help cement Brighton and Hove’s position as a major tourist destination and fits well with our announcement two weeks ago that we as a council are backing the expansion of Gatwick with a second runway.”
Council chief executive Geoff Raw said:”The i360 business plan included sponsorship and we are pleased to see the team delivering on their projections.”
as a BA employee who is seeing huge cuts and take home pay decreases within, it is pretty offensive that they see fit to spend huge sums of money on sponsorship instead of rewarding their staff for how well they are already doing, with or without promotion