Brighton and Hove City Council is offering free cycle training courses for people in East Brighton to teach road confidence and bike maintenance.
![Picture by Richard Child on Flickr](
The courses are open to anyone aged 14 and over who lives, works or studies in the East Central Brighton area, covering Tarner, Albion Hill, Kemp Town, Craven Vale, Bristol Estate, Queens Park, Hanover and Elm Grove.
Participants will be able to learn in small groups, there are no more than six people in each training session, with plenty of opportunity to look at individual needs. The course trainers are qualified to the National Standard for cycle training and are all competent cycle mechanics.
The aim is to help people to cycle confidently on the roads and negotiate challenging road layouts, such as complex junctions. The maintenance aspect covers how to look after gears, brakes and other components to keep a bicycle mechanically sound and running smoothly throughout the year.
Chair of the environment committee Cllr Gill Mitchell said: “With the night’s drawing in and the seasons changing, this is a good time to sharpen skills to prepare for cycling in the months ahead.
“Cycling is an excellent way to keep up with regular exercise as well as a popular way to travel around the city. I encourage everyone who is eligible to sign up for these courses and find out more about how to keep safe when cycling.”
There are a range of cycle training providers across Brighton & Hove delivering the courses on behalf of the council catering for all abilities.
The courses take place at various times and places to suit people’s needs. Participants can sign up to all courses or can pick and choose a course.
The training may be a standalone session taking a few hours or may run over a few weeks of sessions to provide a more in depth look at the topics.
Please visit to book a place and for more details of the courses available. If you are not online you can call 01273 296753 for more information.