Longhill High School reported some outstanding subject results this year and ten star scholars although overall GCSE performance dipped slightly.
Head teacher Haydn Stride said: “I would like to both congratulate and thank families of our students for their support across the last five years and wish them every success for the future.”
Overall 48 per cent of pupils achieved the benchmark five A* to C grades, including maths and English. Last year the figure was 50 per cent.
Mr Stride said, though, that he would like to mention, in particular, Richard Slaney, Ruby Jackson, Jessica Froome and Isaac Hoten who were among ten students who all attained at least nine A* and A grades at GCSE.
Heading for Varndean College, Mr Slaney got five A*s, five As and one B and will take maths, further maths, physics and electronics at A level.
He said: “I am really happy I passed because I did not think I would pass.”
Heather Edwards got three A*s, two As, four Bs and a C. She will take fine art, modern history and classical civilisation at A level and is very happy with her results.

Rosalee Smith achieved one A*, three As, three Bs and a C and will join her friends at Varndean College.
Kitty Fabry got an A, four Bs, two Cs in photography, film studies and graphic design.
Teachers in the science, art and English departments were very pleased because their results are above national averages, particularly in science and art.
History, geography, PE, music, drama, Spanish and computer science departments also delivered results at or above national averages.
The senior leadership team at Longhill High School said that it would also like to congratulate Taylor Monckton, Sara Ali, Kitty Fabry, James Avon and Callum Jamieson who made significant progress across the curriculum.
Some Year 10 students took their GCSEs early. They all passed.