A fire in Hove has left mobile phone customers with signal problems in Hangleton for more than four weeks.
The fire at the Engineerium on Thursday 11 June destroyed a mast attached to the building’s chimney.

Vodafone said: “Unfortunately there was a fire at the building where one of our sites is situated which destroyed all of our equipment, including twisting the steel infrastructure due to the intense heat.
“We are working hard to find an alternative temporary site to serve the area affected.
“We hope to restore full service as soon as we can and would like to apologise to customers for any inconvenience.
“We’re sorry our customers continue to experience problems with the signal locally.
“We are working on a temporary solution to restore the service but our first option for a temporary mast was found to be unsuitable. We are now reviewing two other options.
“The mast covers a relatively small area so customers will be able to use their phones when in the coverage footprint of other nearby masts.
“However, anyone who has been unable to use any of our services for three days or more in a row can contact us to have that proportion of their line rental reimbursed.”