A cyclist has been knocked off her bike after a crash with a car in Church Road, Hove this morning.

Delays are expected after the accident on the main road shortly after 8am this morning.
A witness says an ambulance has been called and the cyclist is sitting up and speaking to the people trying to help her.
A spokesperson for Sussex Police said: “At 8.19am on Wednesday (10 June) a car and a woman cyclist believed to be about 20 years old collided in Church Road, Hove, at the junction with Hova Villas.
“The cyclist is conscious and breathing and sitting in an ambulance. No further relevant information is held at present.”
There must have been two incidents involving cyclists around the same time on Church Road because there was a cyclist laying in the road waiting for an ambulance around 9:20 near Brunswick Square. Didn’t look as if there was a car involved though. The police blocked off the eastbound side of the road to deal with it.
Church Road and Western Road is not a nice road for cycling. Most bus and taxi drivers do not observe the ASL sections at traffic lights, making it dangerous for cyclists approaching or turning at the lights.
As part of the next Transport Plan, agreed in the spring, there are moves to make Church Road more of a boulevard. Its sidewalks are at present narrow, and it is not a thoroughfare on which to linger. It also lacks trees. This proposal, made by the Hove Civic Society, would also improve the traffic situation. I also got accepted a proposal to improve the junction with Sackville Road etc. Let us hope that Labour – forever beholden to the “don’t change anything ever” brigade – does not louse up all this.
Given your marked lack of success at the polls Chris, I would have thought that you would have realised that a majority of people don’t want to change things for the sake of it like you and your commrades did. Best stick to dining off the fact that Salman once mentioned you.
And you managed…85 votes.
Stick to the potties.
I can’t comment on this particular incident but as someone who cycles around 50 miles per week around Brighton the last couple of days have been a nightmare. I don’t know if its the warmer weather or what but I’ve had 10+ close calls in 2 journey’s when thankfully the rest of the time I’ve been pretty much incident free. All have been caused by drivers not paying attention or not looking when pulling out of junctions. I say this as a driver as well and i don’t want to be the “angry cyclist” as we all need to take care and ensure when driving/cycling our full concentration is on what we are doing.
@Dan Barton “All have been caused by drivers not paying attention or not looking when pulling out of junctions.”
Even where there are good facilities for cyclists, some car drivers ignore them (and yes, I know that some cyclists ignore the rules as well, although the consequences are always bad for the cyclist not the car driver).
Monday morning I was cycling north up the Drive from the seafront, on the cycle track. At the junction with Church Road there was a car parked on the ASL. As I arrived level with it, the lights turned to green and the car turned left across me without indicating. The passenger saw me and alerted the driver and we both stopped. When I politely pointed out the driver was on the ASL, not indicating, and didn’t look left to see if there was a cyclist on the cycle track, the passenger leaped out the car and threatened me. Which is weird since the driver was breaching three road traffic rules.
As a “neutral” pedestrian, I’ll have a whole lot more sympathy for cyclists in the Pedal vs Petrol Wars when they;
cease to travel in the wrong direction on one-way streets,
refrain from riding on the pavement whenever and wherever they please, make clear and precise signals to other road users,
stop jumping red lights at junctions and pedestrian crossings,
and pass a mandatory cycling proficiency test.
It’s all too easy to blame car drivers but cyclists must own their own failings first.