Labour won a clean sweep in Hollingdean and Stanmer, recapturing two seats that fell to the Greens four years ago.
Tracey Hill, Michael Inkpin-Leissner and Caroline Penn are the three new councillors.
Councillor Hill paid tribute to Jeane Lepper, who retired at the election, and her husband David Lepper, the first Labour leader of the old Brighton Borough Council and former MP for Brighton Pavilion.
Hollingdean and Stanmer
(3 seats)
Jonathan Ballard, Conservative, 1,277
Jack Hazelgrove, Green, 2,476
Tracey Hill, Labour, 3,192
Chris Hurley, Liberal Democrat, 373
Michael Inkpin-Leissner, Labour, 2,529
Desmond Jones, UKIP, 701
David Lewis, Conservative, 1,029
Flo Lewis, UKIP, 511
Karen Miles, Conservative, 1,096
Caroline Penn, Labour, 2,557
Vivek Rajcoomar, Green, 1,971
Christina Summers*, Independent, 224
David Walker, Green, 1,828
I see Christina Summer’s ant-gay-marriage ticket didn’t go down too well with the voters….