Labour took a seat from the Greens in Central Hove, with Conservative councillor Andrew Wealls holding his seat.
Clare Moonan won the seat formerly held by Christopher Hawtree who stepped aside to run for Parliament in Hove at the general election.
Central Hove
(2 seats)
Beatrice Bass, Liberal Democrat, 526
Ray Cunningham, Green, 1,053
Nigel Furness, UKIP, 334
Jeremy Gale, Liberal Democrat, 609
Rebecca Jones, Green, 1,159
Glenn Kelly, Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, 91
Lloyd Magee, Conservative, 1,277
Clare Moonan, Labour, 1,532
David Trangmar, Labour, 1,024
Andrew Wealls*, Conservative, 1,363
Twenty ballot papers were rejected. Turnout was 65.5 per cent.