Police have issued a warning to dog owners to be careful walking their pets after sausages stuffed with pellets were found on the Cuckoo Trail in Hailsham.
Sausages laced with what looks like slug pellets have been found along the cuckoo trail. Dog owners beware. RT pic.twitter.com/SXn09X16YB
— Hailsham Police (@HailshamPolice) April 8, 2015
The discovery follows a spate of suspected poisonings in Hove and Portslade and the death of several dogs.
Park patrols have been increased, although police also stress there has only been one confirmed case of poisoning so far, in a dog which had other gastric problems.
A Sussex Police spokesman said: “Cocktail sausages laced with what appear to be blue pellets were found by a dog walker on the Cuckoo Trail at Hailsham on Wednesday evening (April 8).
“The sausages were handed in to police who have warned dog owners to be cautious when walking their pets. Any further finds or any information about the incident should be reported to 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk or call 101 quoting serial 1380 of 08/04.”
Brighton Dogwatch said: “It is still very unclear whether the deaths and illnesses of dogs in Brighton & Hove are down to poisoning so this may well be an isolated incident.
“It is very clear though that we all need to remain extremely vigilant and report anything unusual to the relevant authorities.”
We were repeatedly told the “poison” was put into raw meat. Those sausages in the photo look decidedly cooked to me.
In any case, why don’t the police get the blimmin’ stuff analysed to see what it is, instead of gormlessly standing around going “it looks like slug pellets”?!? GO AND FIND OUT #duh
feline1 I don’t know what sources you have found your information from but everyone I have looked at clearly says they are cocktail or another variety of sausage, what does it matter if they are cooked or not? there is some dirty scumbag out there trying to poison dogs deliberately. as for the police not knowing what it is, if you read articles properly you will find most where saying that the substance had been sent for analysis by police, the “it looks like slug pellets” came from the walker who discovered them