The man in charge of Brighton and Hove’s firefighters is to retire.
Des Prichard has spent 20 years with East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service – the past 14 as chief fire officer.
Mr Prichard joined what was then known as the fire brigade 39 years ago in Buckinghamshire, the county where he grew up.

He will remain chief executive and chief fire officer until the end of September.
East Sussex Fire Authority chairman Phil Howson said: “After a career lasting 39 years, 14 as chief fire officer at East Sussex, he has decided that this is the right time to step down.
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his hard work and dedication in making East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service one of the most innovative and forward thinking services in the country.
“Des has been a passionate advocate of community safety and has shown his personal leadership and commitment to the delivery of a high-performing emergency service during his time in office.
“We have no doubt that he will continue to provide that same leadership and drive for excellence over the coming months.”
The authority said that it had accepted his resignation reluctantly.
Mr Prichard, 62, was awarded the Queen’s Fire Service Medal in the Birthday Honours List in 2006 and became an OBE in the New Year Honours List three years ago.
After becoming a firefighter in Buckinghamshire in 1976, he moved to Bedfordshire in 1984 and the Fire Service College from 1991 to 1994 where he lectured in command leadership and management. He completed an MBA with Henley Management College in 1994.
Mr Prichard joined East Sussex Fire and Rescue in 1995 as assistant chief fire officer. He was promoted to deputy chief fire officer in 1996 and became chief fire officer and chief executive in 2001.
Councillor Garry Peltzer Dunn, who serves on the fire authority, said: “This is a sad loss to the brigade. Des has been an outstanding chief whose service has been exceptional. I wish Des everything which he might wish himself.”
Councillor Bob Carden, who is retiring at the local elections from Brighton and Hove City Council and the fire authority, said that he joined the fire authority in June 2001 at the same as Mr Prichard became the chief.
He said: “In the main I have enjoyed working with him and only fallen out once over a budget problem between him and the leader of Brighton and Hove City Council.
“I have always found him a nice person.”
Councillor Carden said that Mr Prichard had helped him tremendously during a difficult period over the past couple of years.
He added: “He has had a terribly difficult period over the last four or five years with the dire cuts being forced upon him.
“I wish Des and his family good fortune wherever his future takes him.”