Green Party activists have recreated a famous stunt first carried out on Australia’s Bondi Beach in Brighton to highlight politicians’ ostrich-like attitude to climate change.
On Bondi, hundreds of climate change activists buried their heads in the sand to protest international leaders’ inaction at the G20 summit.
Digging holes in Brighton’s shingle was much more challenging, so volunteers dug four holes and wore different coloured trousers to represent the mainstream political parties bent over with their heads in the holes.
Davy Jones, Green Party parliamentary candidate for Brighton Kempton, the constituency where the stunt occurred, said, “We may not have miles of golden strand, but the message from Brighton should be just as powerful: Climate change is going on, it is our fault, and we can do something about it.
“Our politicians need to get their heads out of the sand – or pebbles here in Brighton – for the sake of our children and our grandchildren’s future.”
Good to see yet another irresponsible green party candidate performing stunts – perhaps he’ll also learn how to sit in the road or climb trees.
What a really immature group of incompetent activists – at least they should all be up in Liverpool today listening to talking-disaster-area Bennett.
Greens announce continuation of current policy.
Gerald – now, remind me which leading politician went all the way to the Arctic to get photographed with huskies?
And by the way, your misuse of comic genius Ronnie Barker’s pseudonym is deplorable. You sir, are no comic genius.
@Clive – my use of Ronnie Barker’s own pseudonym is purely out of my admiration for him.
Better than the prospective Kemp Town green candidate taking the handle of the late lead singer in the Monkees.