Playbus staff are being forced to spend half an hour clearing up dog poo in Hangleton Park before they are able to play with children.
Staff have put up anti-dog poo posters around the Harmsworth Crescent and Hangleton Park area in a bid to persuade dog owners to pick up after their pets.
They said: “The dog poo there is becoming a big problem for the Playbus Team and has been for a long time now.
“On average during our site check, it is taking us 30 minutes to clean up after irresponsible dog owners, which is using up children’s play session time.
“Dog faeces can be very harmful to human health and can cause blindness. An infection called toxocara canis can be caught if the waste is not removed immediately.
“This is a valuable space for children, young people and adults, and young children will touch anything – no more messing!”
You may have seen the anti-dog poo posters we put up in the Harmsworth Crescent / Hangleton Park area of Hangleton recently? The dog poo there is becoming a big problem for the Playbus Team and has been for a long time now. On average during our site check, it is taking us 30 minutes to clean up after irresponsible dog owners, which is using up children’s play session time.
Dog faeces can be very harmful to human health and can cause blindness. An infection called Toxocara canis can be caught if the waste is not removed immediately.
This is a valuable space for children, young people and adults… and young children WILL touch anything – No more messin’!
Filthy, stinking dog-mess; it’s a dirty word, and a dirty thing, but I remain confident that if we all work together we can catch the people who allow their animals to leave their toilet-dirt everywhere.
I am 72 years old.
I well recall the same when the Bognor Fun Bus visited some similar sites. We carried a shovel, and gloves, for said unpopular task.
One park was so bad, it was named Avisford Park and we renamed it ‘avash*t park. I especially remember we had just got a new video camera and one of our staff saw a guy pulled up in his posh limo, open back and allow enormous pooch to dump where kids play. So having filmed this, he went up to the car, about to depart, knocked on driver’s window and said “Your dog just crapped, you let it out to do that”. The man protested it wasn’t his dog and was invited to view rear-end view of said pooch plus it’s getting into car. Offered our shovel the man drove off.
Playworkers, especially on mobile projects, face such issues so your kids can have space to play. They have to grow a pair, as the saying goes, they get riled. Brighton mobile – take video, don’t offer it to the owner these days, just send it to the council’s environmental health people. Let the owner see you’re videoing, if asked, tell them why, it’s unlawful not to clear it up, and say it’s being sent to the council.