A Brighton mother who wants her daughter to enjoy the Mazda fountain just as she once did has started a petition to save it.
The Victorian electric fountain has been earmarked for demolition should the ambitious Valley Gardens scheme go ahead.
The plans were given a funding boost of £8m by the Local Transport Board last week – but the Labour group has vowed to scrap them if they are elected, saying the financial benefits don’t stack up, claims the Greens deny.
Mrs Lewis said: “When the plans were published two years ago I didn’t notice the Mazda fountain was not on the Valley Garden plans.
“Of course these plans have changed radically since then but the comment the fountain is not of ‘historical importance’ is laughable.
It’s been there for 80 years which is well within the living memory of the majority of the city population.
“The fountain may not be much to look at but when the water flows it is stunning. Its control box is also a charming little tardis.
“I would like my daughter Wynne to grow up enjoying this fountain just as I have.”
She also expressed concern that the plans don’t make it clear if the statue of Queen Victoria will remain, adding: “I feel many people would consider removing this even more outrageous, hence I included it in the petition to make sure it stays.
“Our councillors are supposed to represent us and I feel this project upsets a great many people.”
The electric fountain was given to the city by Thomson-Houston (BTH) in 1930, possibly to promote the company’s cinematic sound systems which were first installed at the Duke of York’s cinema.
It later fell into disuse, but in October 1987 it was switched on again, and different coloured lights lit up its 35ft high jets.
The Valley Gardens scheme proposes replacing it with a fountain or other water feature in front of St Peter’s Church and a shallow rill, or narrow gully, running through the area.
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