An urgent appeal to help pay for a Kemp Town campaigner’s last-ditch legal battle against the new Brighton Marina development has been launched.

Robert Powell has already taken his case to the High Court in a bid to stop high towers being built there, rising above the cliff top and spoiling views out to sea.
He has already raised £60,000 to fund his fight, which was dismissed last year – but now needs another £15,000 to see it all the way through to appeal.
An appeal for donations posted on the Kemp Town Society website says: “With the help of generous support, Robert was able to fund an application for Judicial Review.
“This allowed a challenge to the legality of the developer’s plans and to explain details as to why this development should not continue.
“After many months of preparation, the case was presented in the High Court of Justice London in October last year.
“Unfortunately the case was not successful, but Robert decided that with support, there are sufficient legitimate grounds to continue the fight.
“Leave to appeal was sought in December 2014 and this was granted by Lord Justice Richards. Now Robert has to arrange for his appeal to be presented.
“As yet no date has been set, but it will take place within months.”
The fight is likely to be a difficult one, as one of the towers has already started to rise above the cliffs.
Click here for details of how to donate.
It makes me so depressed to think of all that money wasted on fighting something they have no realistic chance of stopping.
Their legal team should be ashamed – this money could have been spent of something positive for Kemp Town, not throwing away on legal fees for the sake of trying to protect a small minorities view of the sea.
Who on earth is Robert Powell? was he born in Brighton? I have spoken to many people about about this development even tourists and 90% are of the same opinion it will look fantastic!!. Great cities have tall buildings, even near marinas, Monte Carlo, Barcelona to name but two. When the 40 story block goes up along with the other buildings it will be a fantastic landmark for the city. More and more tourists are visiting Brighton and iconic buildings like this can only draw more people.