Work to restore “Brighton’s cathedral” could lead to its main tower being opened to the public so they can enjoy its breathtaking views.

St Peter’s Church in Valley Gardens is currently undergoing extensive renovations to its south side, which will cost an estimated £365,000.
The idea of opening the tower to the public was mooted by Brighton blogger Delia Ives, who said the special experience could provide an ongoing source of income for the church, which is appealing for funds to cover the repairs.
And it was welcomed by Rev Archie Coates, who said it would be amazing if the idea could become a reality.
He said: “It would indeed be amazing if the tower was restored and people were able to go up it and enjoy the views – one day I hope!
“At present, even I have not been able to go up, while experts are assessing the damage to the tower, and we are applying to various grant-making bodies in the hope we can raise the money to save it.
“Watch this space!”

On her blog, Ms Ives said: “St. Peter’s is often described as Brighton’s “cathedral” and one of the visitor attractions offered by many of the UK’s other cathedrals is access to their towers from which unrivalled birds-eye views can be enjoyed. Why not provide a similar facility for St. Peter’s restored tower?
“The consequent positive publicity would surely help to boost the restoration fund. And, when restoration is completed, the extra flow of visitors in search of a special experience could provide an on-going source of income for the church.”
Last month, Brighton photographer and former scaffolder Bill Bruzas was given permission by workmen to scale the tower’s scaffolding and take the photo above showing the amazing views available from the top.