Brighton & Hove has been named the top place in England for mums breastfeeding their very young babies.

New NHS figures show the city now has the top rate of exclusive breastfeeding at 6-8 weeks in the country.
Brighton & Hove has been above the national average for a number of years for this key indicator.
Lydie Lawrence, public health manager for Brighton & Hove City Council, is the lead commissioner for breastfeeding services in the city. She said: “This is fantastic news for the health and wellbeing of babies and mothers in our city.
“Our message is quite simple: breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both babies and mothers. We do all we can to offer mothers the support they need to be breastfeed their babies wherever possible.
“These figures are a great testament to the hard work of our breastfeeding team and all the midwives, health visitors and children’s centre staff who support breastfeeding in the city.”
Tracy Stapleton, children centre and breastfeeding team manager, Sussex Community NHS Trust, said: “Breastfeeding provides the best form of nutrition for babies – it is natural and free and every extra day brings benefits to mum and baby. We are delighted to see that city rates are so high.
“These new statistics are a reflection of the dedication and collaborative working of all involved in supporting mums to breastfeed their babies across the city.
“Our health visitors, children’s centre staff and peer supporters offer a wide range of support to mums who want to start and continue breastfeeding their babies.”
The advantages of breastfeeding include:
It is the only natural food designed for your baby
It protects your baby from infections and diseases
It provides health benefits for mum
It’s free
It’s available whenever and wherever your baby needs a feed
It’s the right temperature
It can build a strong physical and emotional bond between mother and baby
It can give mums a great sense of achievement.
For full details of the range of breastfeeding support available for mums in Brighton & Hove please click here