Volunteers are wanted in Brighton and Hove to help support victims of crime.
The recruitment drive has been started by Victim Support to train volunteers to offer emotional and practical support to victims of crime.
It comes just weeks after the Sussex police and crime commissioner Katy Bourne and her Surrey counterpart Kevin Hurley awarded Victim Support the contract to provide the service.
The number of referrals to Victim Support over the past two years has risen dramatically and the organisation is currently supporting more than 200 people in Sussex.
Every year thousands of victims of crime are offered support and more of them take up the offer of practical and emotional help.
Volunteers are trained to provide support to people who have experienced a whole range of crimes, including burglary and assault. Some volunteers are trained to help those who are affected by more serious crimes including rape and the death of a friend or relative.
Graham Hill, from Victim Support, said: “Our trained volunteers do an amazing job but we always need more.
“Volunteers do not need any specific qualifications to join us. They just need the commitment to do something for their community and give up a bit of time.
“In return we will train them and support them at all stages of their work.”
Training courses are arranged for the end of February and March next year.
Anyone interested should contact Victim Support either by email on SussexVolunteering@victimsupport.org.uk or phone 01273 456151.