Health chiefs paid tribute to dozens of unsung heroes at the Hospital Star Awards in Brighton last night (Tuesday 25 November).
![Matthew Kershaw](
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust chief executive Matthew Kershaw said that it had been “uplifting and humbling” to hear what was said about the winners and runners up.
More than 550 BSUH staff were nominated in 11 categories for medical, non-clinical, frontline and behind the scenes work – often above and beyond the call of duty.
The nominations came from patients, their relatives and fellow staff, with praise for individuals and teams for their hard work and dedication.
The awards ceremony was held at the Corn Exchange, in Church Street, Brighton.
Mr Kershaw said: “It is so important that we make the time to recognise what a positive difference our staff make.
“And this event is a real celebration of everything that is good about our hospitals and the people who work in them.
“The fact that 550 of our staff, patients and their relatives took the time to submit a nomination in itself demonstrates how much of what we do matters to people.
“And hearing just a selection of what was said about our winners and runners up is genuinely uplifting and humbling.”
The winners and runners up
Nurse of the Year
Winner – Adam Sime (Accident and Emergency, Royal Sussex County Hospital)
“He exemplifies a caring highly skilled nurse. He works in resus in A&E, which is possibly one of the most stressful environments in the hospital, but I have never seen him anything other than calm and respectful to all patients and staff. Time and time again he is mentioned in plaudits and I have watched him skilfully communicate with a bereaved family, a disruptive young person under the influence of alcohol and a scared old woman, all in the same 30 minutes period and each were afforded compassion, dignity and respect.”
Runner up – Gemma Rowland (Hurstwood Park Intensive Care, Princess Royal Hospital)
“When my wife was admitted after a traumatic accident my whole world was shattered. I received the worst news ever that my wife’s future was very bleak and most of her admission to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) is a big blur but the one thing I do remember is the compassion shown by our guardian angel which will remain a happy memory to the worst time of my life. I wish I could do more than nominate her for this award as she deserves the world in my opinion.”
Midwife of the Year
Winner – Jan Mattis (Obstetrics)
“The work she has done has helped to improve the lives of patients with deep-rooted problems and has at times helped to keep families together. It has also helped to improve the outcomes for a substantial number of babies. It would not be an exaggeration to say that in a number of cases the care some patients have received has proved life-changing.”
Runner up – Debra Stokeley (Maternity, Princess Royal Hospital)
“The labour ward workload has been transformed due to her clear management and leadership of the triage service. Her standards of care are phenomenal and she is an enormous source of advice and reassurance to midwives if they have any concerns or worries about work issues. I feel very fortunate that she is part of our fantastic maternity team.”
Health Care Assistant of the Year
Winner – Mariama Bah (Howard 1 Ward)
“She is a wonderful person and I will never forget the immense kindness and care she showed to my mother. People like her are rare and the gift of love and caring they give is precious. There is nobody more deserving of this award.”
Runner up – Nevin Corrigan (Haematology Day Unit)
“I genuinely believe the Haematology Day Unit would cease to be as good a place to work or attend if he wasn’t there. He shows huge initiative, knowledge, sound practice, compassion, responsibility and cheerfulness and I have never worked with someone as funny as him. The patients love him.”
Doctor of the year
Winner – Dr Louise Mason (Consultant Palliative Care)
“Patients who are palliative have outcomes that are reasonably certain – they are going to die – but she works to ensure the time left is as good as it possibly can be. She cares in a completely holistic way, really considering all the things in the patient’s life that are a concern to them. She is honest with patients and their families and guides them gently and kindly, allowing them to come to terms with what’s happening to them and make plans for their deaths and what may need to happen for those who are left behind.”
Runner up – Dr Rachael James – Consultant Cardiologist
“This lady is a miracle worker, so incredibly intelligent and connected with patients with congenital adult heart disease it is amazing. Without her help I would have died and my daughter would not have a mother. I can’t ever thank her enough.”
Allied Health Care Professional of the Year
Winner – Tasmin Clake (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, Princess Royal Hospital)
“She has a lovely positive and cheerful manner and is very empathetic. She has offered solutions to help me adapt around issues that have kept me progressing when I felt like giving up. You are very lucky to have such a dedicated person on your staff.”
Runner up – Pat Shields (Macmillan Radiographer)
“From the outset of my cancer journey she was there to provide an enormous amount of support and information. She is very intuitive and can almost tell how you are feeling by looking at you. No cancer treatment process is easy, but I feel without her support and compassion I would have found the journey a lot harder.”
Support Services Star – Frontline
Winner – Lorraine Morris (Chemotherapy Patient Access Clerk)
“She is the frontline of our service at the chemotherapy unit and always helps to make our patients feel welcome and reassured when they arrive for treatment. Often they can be extremely anxious but her kind and cheerful welcome always puts them at ease.”
Runner up – Hazel Dives (Pyecombe Ward Administrator, Princess Royal Hospital)
“She is a fountain of knowledge who shows excellent communication skills with staff, patients and visitors. If someone has a query they always zone in on her and every single nurse on the ward panics when she takes annual leave. Every ward needs someone like her who will help to oil the wheels of a smooth-running hectic ward. If we could clone her the NHS would no longer have a staffing issue.”
Support Services Star – Behind the scenes
Winner – Tony King (Security)
“He epitomises the BSUH values and behaviours in everything he does. He is always looking for ways to ensure both he and the Security Department can provide the best possible service to patients and colleagues in the trust. He is knowledgeable, proactive, passionate and cares deeply about his job, his colleagues and the patients. He deserves recognition as one of the trust’s many stars behind the scenes.”
Runner up – Paul Smith (Post Room)
“He is always friendly and smiles whenever you see him. He is respectful, offers help and support without being asked and he goes out of his way to help. I’d love him to be given this award to let him know how much we appreciate him and in recognition that he is always prepared to go above and beyond.”
Team of the Year
Winner – Chemotherapy Unit
“It was all so frightening at first but, after everything was explained in simple terms and everyone was so concerned, the fear eased. The team work under extreme pressure most of the time but remain cheerful and there is always time for a quick chat and a laugh. I cannot praise them enough and in a strange way I will miss them now that I will be treated at home.”
Runner up – High Dependency Unit at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital
“During my placement with this team it was an emotional time due to a long-term patient receiving palliative care. The support the team gave the parents and the sibling was fantastic. They all went so much further than the extra mile. The support they gave to each other and myself was also something amazing. I feel that the work they do is something that words cannot describe. Making a child’s last few weeks memorable for the parents and giving them some normality in their lives is something truly special.”
Volunteer of the Year
Winner – Cathy Chillman (Day Hospital, Princess Royal Hospital)
“She is considered by staff in the Day Hospital to be a full member of the team and I don’t know how we would manage without her. This lady is a model volunteer. She treats all patients and staff with kindness and understanding. She is reliable, never lets us down and undertakes all the tasks required in a quiet and confident manner.”
Runner up – Lynda Yeandle (Acute Medical Unit)
“Every Tuesday and Friday the team looks forward to seeing her because of the help she gives to the nursing staff and patients. It’s a remarkable to sacrifice a few hours of her life to help the AMU team and we all feel she deserves to be acknowledged for all her effort and hard work.”
Outstanding Leadership Award
Winner – Ann Gibbins (Directorate Lead Nurse, Speciality Medicine)
“She typifies the ideal nurse leader. She is patient-focused and leads by example, providing an expert role model for the ward managers and junior staff particularly on the elderly care wards. She has a compassionate, approachable style and sets high standards. She is an innovator and has relentlessly pursued excellence in elderly care over the past three years. She is truly an inspirational leader.”
Runner up – Juliet Barcelo (Clinical Site Manager)
“She has been likened to a machine gun as she can work at such a fast pace and seems to have a magic wand as she can conjure up beds for patients to be placed in comfort and safety when there seems to be none apparent before. She has amazing stamina and sense of humour and can work endless night shifts in a row to ensure safe cover of the operational nursing team. She is an amazing lady.”
Educator/Mentor of the Year
Winner – Justin Walford (A&E Charge Nurse)
“Even at 5am in the morning after a busy night of trauma and acutely unwell patients, he will spontaneously create an exciting learning platform. His in-depth knowledge and ability to engage with both the patient and the learner never ceases to amaze me. I have been a nurse for 25 years and without doubt he shines above all mentors and educators that I have met.”
Runner up – Louise Cooper (Sister, 7A Cardiac Surgery)
“From my first day on the ward she made me feel completely welcome and at ease. Her communication skills and rapport with both patients and other members of staff are amazing and she always has a smile on her face and makes you laugh. If I could be half the nurse that she is when I become qualified then I would feel very proud.”
Chief Executive’s Special Award
Winner – Imre Szabo (Critical Care Support Assistant)
“He is consistently professional in his behaviour. He demonstrates a pride in and commitment to his job, supporting the clinical team in whatever way he can. He encompasses all of the elements of Foundations for Success (a change programme in the trust) in his day-to-day job, probably without even knowing he is doing them. Our clinical teams could learn a lot from watching the way he interacts with people around him and endeavours to do his job to the best of his ability every day. It’s great to have him in our team.”