A search is under way for a Brighton sailor after his empty yacht drifted into Brighton Marina yesterday evening (Sunday 9 November).
He is believed to have fallen overboard after his Sunseeker yacht hit the harbour walls and, when the vessel was boarded the engine was found in gear.
The experienced yachtsman’s wife reported him missing at about 10pm after he had failed to return for dinner.
The coastguard and RNLI lifeboats crews from Brighton, Newhaven and Shoreham started an all-night search despite the thunderstorms.
Frequent lightning made it necessary for the coastguard helicopter to return to base. The Royal Air Force also sent a search and rescue crew.
And the search resumed at sunrise this morning (Monday 10 November), with crews systematically scouring the sea and shore around the Marina.
First thing this morning the Brighton RNLI crew tweeted: “Out on shout all night searching for a person missing overboard.
“Newhaven and Shoreham RNLI and coastguard units helped with the search.
“We are now standing by to relaunch again if requested.”
The crew are back at sea with better visibility although rain has been falling, heavily at times.
Out on shout all night searching for a person missing overboard. NewhavenRNLI @SLifeboatRNLI and coastguard units helped with the search 1/2
— Brighton Lifeboat (@RNLIBrighton) November 10, 2014
We are now standing by to relaunch again if requested 2/2
— Brighton Lifeboat (@RNLIBrighton) November 10, 2014