Nine more shipping containers are due to arrive in Brighton this weekend.
They will be used for offices and community space next to the 36 shipping containers at Richardson’s Yard in New England Road, Brighton.
The original containers are used as studio flats by 36 men and women with a history of homelessness being helped by Brighton Housing Trust (BHT).
The site’s developer QED Estates said that the extra space became available when Brighton and Hove City Council demolished the Cobbler’s Thumb pub.
QED plans to open an office in one of the nine new units and BHT will take one for community use.
Ross Gilbert, from QED, said: “This latest phase is possible because of the success of the Richardson’s Yard development.

“The Cobbler’s Thumb site was never part of our original plans but the opportunity arose and we felt that it would complement and complete the original development.
“We are very pleased to be offering affordable facilities on flexible terms in an area where they are much needed.
“It is all very exciting. We have decided that QED shall open another office and take occupation of one of the units ourselves.
“The new office will concentrate, not surprisingly on the deployment of demountable container buildings.”
BHT chief executive Andy Winter said: “The shipping container homes project is one of the best things I have ever been involved with.
“We have learnt from some mistakes we have made but overall they have been a massive success, providing homes for 36 men and women who might otherwise struggle in the very competitive and high-cost housing market in Brighton and Hove.
“The new development will make a huge difference to our residents.
“The Cobbler’s Thumb site has looked like a bomb site ever since the City Council demolished the old pub for safety reasons.
“By having a high quality development which will provide a community facility for our residents will improve the environment for our residents.”
Anyone interested in leasing one of the few remaining units should contact Ross Gilbert at
So are Brighton and Hove City Council receiving rent from QED for the land?
How much is the rent, per container, per month, that the tenants have to pay? Do they have to pay council tax too?
Absolutely correct