A Brighton University graduate has started a dance revolution which is spreading round the world – the pre-work rave.
Sam Moyo, co-founder of Morning Gloryville, said that dancing to loud music in the morning released endorphins and serotonin which, like a gym workout, produced a natural high.
She said: “It can boost creativity and increase productivity but it is so much more. It helps us get close to one another and be more like friends.”
Miss Moyo and her co-founder Nico Thoemmes launched Gloryville in Shoreditch, London, in May last year and they now have pre-work raves in 11 countries around the world.
Their Brighton branch opened earlier this year at Shoosh in King’s Road Arches.

Miss Moyo, who was awarded a foundation degree in business and marketing at Brighton University, said: “Going to Brighton University had a huge impact on what I do and who I am.
“I received a lot of support from the university’s Business School admin team.
“We have now spread the ‘glory’ around the world to New York, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Zurich, Sydney, Tokyo and we are planning to launch in Liverpool and Melbourne.
“There’s a growing desire, a global shift in consciousness, towards mindfulness and direct human experiences and so there is a huge appetite for the kind of authentic, healthy and fun experience Morning Gloryville creates.
“It’s something that puts a spring in one’s step and softens the daily grind.”
One Brighton raver Frances Jones, a communications executive, said: “I thoroughly enjoyed myself and it gave me a great lift.
“I loved the fact that everyone is welcome, from office workers to pensioners. Really recommend it.”
An accountant said: “The one difference from a normal rave, apart from it being in the morning and not late at night, was that there was no alcohol – only healthy, soft drinks. I loved it.”
For more information go to http://morninggloryville.com.