Researchers are asking anyone from Brighton and Hove who has suffered a fire in their home to help them try to improve safety.
East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said that it was one of nine fire services woking with Greenwich University to find out how people behave when encountering a fire in the home.
The fire service said: “If you have been unfortunate enough to have experienced a fire in the past 12 months then you can help improve the safety of other local people – and help East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service – by taking part in an important online survey at
“The findings will give a valuable insight to help fire services plan and develop their services and limit the impact of dwelling fires.”
Andy Reynolds, director of prevention and protection for East Sussex Fire and Rescue, said: “If you have experienced a fire at home – yours or someone else’s – any time in the past 12 months then we want to hear from you.

“We are interested in all accidental fires in the home, large or small, and whether the fire and rescue service attended or not.
“If you can spare 20 to 30 minutes to fill in the survey you will be helping us and other local people in the future. It is all anonymous and we simply want people to tell us about their experience.
“We are pleased to be involved in this unique project, which will be rolled out nationally next year.
“Surprisingly there has been very limited research on how people behave during a fire in the home, their goals and priorities as the event was unfolding and the impact of the flames and smoke.”
The fire service added: “If you have not had a fire yourself but know someone who has, please pass this on.
“For those who do not have internet access or are not comfortable using the web, please call 01622 212422 to arrange to discuss other options for completing the survey.”