A new residents parking scheme could be on the cards north of Preston Drove after residents approached the council.

Brighton and Hove City Council’s environment, transport and sustainability committee is being asked to approve surveys of parking capacity and duration north of Preston Drove and east of the railway line early next year when it meets on Tuesday.
If surveys show parking pressure does exist, they are typically followed by detailed plans for a controlled parking zone (CPZ) being drawn up and residents voting on them.
It has also received requests for surveys in Hanover and Elm Grove, north of Hove Park, South Portslade and East Brighton.
The first two areas could have surveys started in the second half of 2015 if the committee approves.
Meanwhile, schemes in Bakers Bottom, Wish Park and Lewes Road Triangle are set to be given the final seal of approval.
In Bakers Bottom, Rochester Street, Bute Street, Hendon Street and Livingstone Street will join the light touch Zone U scheme.
In Wish Park, Bolsover Road will join the light touch Zone R scheme.
And the Lewes Road triangle, which takes in streets between Lewes Road, Union Street and Upper Lewes Road (but not Lewes Road itself) will join Zone J.
Both theses follow consultations in which a majority of residents voted to have residents parking schemes.
Residents do not ask for parking schemes, they just complain about the fact that the council have created problems by introducing residents parking schemes in residential areas!
This council rake in money 5.2 million from permits alone….if they chargd an admin cost per permit of £40 there may not be an issue, but it is an extra tax on the already hard working people of this city!
People, do not be duped into thinking there is no alternative. We need to complain at being robbed by the council, not about parking spaces! They are relying on us being too tired or too stupid to complain.
I would be really interested to know how many residents had ‘approached the council’. I live in the area earmarked for this scheme and have yet to meet a single person who is in favour of this scheme. It is usually impossible to get the council to act on anything, yet they receive one or two requests for a scheme that will make the council a shedload of money at the expense of local residents and they are tripping over themselves to put it in to place…..I wonder why?
Of course once this scheme is in place the residents who can’t afford to pay £120 for a permit to park outside their own houses will park in the roads outside the scheme, and these roads will then develop the problem of ‘parking pressure’ which the council will kindly alleviate through introducing another lucrative parking scheme and the cycle will continue.
Totally agree with comments above which are accurate. A residents parking scheme South of Preston Drove went live this week, where I live. Wow what a coincidence the above article is…NOT. It is outrageous that the council lie about residents asking for these parking schemes, of course they don’t, I objected along with all my neighbours at the parking scheme that has now been introduced it doesn’t make any difference if you object, it is a nice money earner for the council. I could always park outside my house for free until last .Monday. Now I have to pay and anytime I have a visitor I have to pay for a voucher at £2.60 per time, pay for baby sitters, work men anyone who comes to your house. Basically the whole or brighton and hove will be residents parking eventually and none of us can do anything about it.
A damn right disgrace
I have found some evidence of people wanting a CPZ controlled parking zone in this area – see http://present.brighton-hove.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=442&HPID=13031397