Plans to turn the Rose Hill Tavern into flats have been submitted to Brighton and Hove City Council.

The pub is the subject of a fight between developers who have bought the pub and residents who want to see it remain a pub.
The Rose Hill Tavern Action Group successfully applied to the council to have the pub listed as an asset of community value (ACV) which gives them six months to raise money to bid to buy the premises.
But in the meantime, it appears developers are pushing ahead with their plans to turn it into homes.
The submitted plans propose converting the ground floor and basement into a three bedroom flat. The existing first floor flat will be retained.
In its application, Joanne Harris of Evenden Estates says: “The principle of development is acceptable, as there are a large number of pubs in the area, and so the loss of the pub will not reduce the ability of the local community to meet its day to day needs. ”
The action group has already declared its intention to object to the plans.
The pub closed in May this year when it was sold by Enterprise Inns.
Another of their pubs, the London Unity, went on the market for £485,000 in August after being converted into a four bedroom house. It is still up for sale.